Increasing Google Adsense Click Through Rate is one of the important thing if you want to increase your Adsense revenue. There are many things you need to consider if you want to increase your Adsense click through rate and based on my research these are the common tips I found:
1. Ads Positioning - right placement of ads can increase your adsense click through rate. You can place your ads above, below, within, left, or right part of your post.
2. Get Rid of Public Service Ads - public service ads are ads that gives nothing when clicked. They just show up if there are no more ads to display. Read How to Remove Public Service Ads from your Blog or Website?
3. Rich Text Page - the content of the page must have a minimum of 400 words. If you can write more than 400 words the better.
4. Choose high paying keywords - If you to write something let say about "software", use a high paying keywords that is related to the keyword software like "Payroll Software", "Mortgage Calculator Software" and so on. Use Google Adword Keyword Tool to find nice high paying keywords.
5. Avoid putting title on ads - do not put titles on ads like "Sponsored Links", "Links", "Menu", and so on because you are violating Google TOS. If you violate Google TOS they will give you 0% CTR.
6. Ads Color - make sure that your ads are well blend to the color of your site. If you have a white color site then your ads must have a white background and a white border.
7. Right Ad Size - based on the surveys 336x280, 300x250, 250x250, 160x600, and 728x90 are the best performing ads so better use them.
All seven steps are the common tip you can find on the internet but I have also found another information on how to increase adsense click through rate and according to his experience he was able to increase his Adsense Click through rate from 1.4% to 6% with just two changes.
1. Use image ads!
2. Place two 300x250 ads side by side directly above the main content.
Read the whole content here.
And these are the things I have observed, adsense click through rate depends on the value of ads appeared on your page. We have to remember that each ads has its own value and high value ads will only appear if you use high value keywords (high paying keywords). But no matter how high the value of keywords you use and the value of ads appeared on you site, if have less traffic and no clicks, your click through rate will not increase.
nice one man
Dear Thankyou very much. Its help me a lot.
Thank you for this helpful and informative post.